Descubrimiento del valor posicional a través de la resolución de problemas

  1. Ramírez García, Mónica
  2. De Castro Hernández, Carlos
Didácticas Específicas

ISSN: 1989-5240

Année de publication: 2014

Número: 11

Pages: 40-66

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Didácticas Específicas


Discovering positional value through problem solving. We study the understanding of tens in a context of problem solving, with first grade students. To this end, we propose problems of multiplicative structure with groups of ten, which optimum resolution strategy requires the knowledge of place value of two digit numbers. Children solve the problems in a weekly problem-solving workshop throughout the whole course. We collect data through video, interviews, record sheets and photographs. In the results, we highlight the preference of students for the use of informal strategies of direct modeling. To a lesser extent, children use algorithms, invented strategies and knowledge of place value to solve the problems.

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