Dimensiones del Comportamiento Proambiental y su Relación con la Conectividad e Identidad Ambientales

  1. Jara, Pablo Olivos
  2. Talayero, Fernando
  3. Aragonés, Juan Ignacio
  4. Moyano-Díaz, Emilio

ISSN: 0103-5371

Year of publication: 2014

Issue Title: Dossiê: Psicologia Ambiental

Volume: 45

Issue: 3

Pages: 369-376

Type: Article

DOI: 10.15448/1980-8623.2014.3.17309 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Psico

Sustainable development goals


Connectedness with Nature (CNS) and Environmental Identity (EID) have been developed to explain the incorporation of natural environment into the self, however, there is not conclusive information about the role they can play as predictors of pro-environmental behaviours (PEB). Was analysed the responses of 306 undergraduate students who completed a questionnaire composed of CNS, EID and PEB. Moreover, to reduce the effect of social desirability, participants also answered a series of questions designed to measure their commitment to eco-friendly activities of information and conservation, whose responses let to develop a Pro-environmental Commitment Index (PCI). The results show that three factors underlie the PEB, which correspond to Environmentalism, Urbanism and Camping behaviours. Environmentalism is significantly related with the other measures. We discuss the contribution of CNS and EID to the study of PEB.

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