Dynamic pedobarographic classification of idiopathic toe-walkers for therapeutical indication

  1. Patricia Martín-Casas 1
  2. Alfonso Meneses-Monroy 2
  3. Ruth Ballestero-Pérez 1
  4. Juan Vicente Beneit-Montesinos 1
  5. Maria Angeles Atín-Arratibel 1
  6. José Antonio Portellano-Pérez 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

  2. 2 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR https://ror.org/01cby8j38

Clínica y salud: Investigación Empírica en Psicología

ISSN: 1130-5274

Year of publication: 2017

Volume: 28

Issue: 1

Pages: 17-24

Type: Article


More publications in: Clínica y salud: Investigación Empírica en Psicología


Idiopathic toe-walkers (ITWs) pedobarographic analysis has not been described yet nor its possible relationship with orthopedical and developmental characteristics. The objective of this research is to develop a dynamic pedobarographic classification of ITWs to propose a specific therapeutical approach. Through an observational study, 56 ITWs aged 3-6 years were classified by their initial foot contact; differences between idiopatic toe-walking (ITW) types and with respect to 40 control children were calculated by means of ANOVA and Student t-tests. The results show that the three ITW types displayed different step models for pressure and impulse distribution and also for temporal development (p<.05). They also showed different orthopedic and developmental characteristics (p<.05). As a whole, they demonstrated different severity levels, which suggest different therapeutical indications. This study confirms the convenience of a specific orthopedic, developmental, and gait assessment in ITW to clarify therapeutical indication.

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