Carrot amphorae y otras ánforas de origen sirio-palestino procedentes de un contexto vespasianeo de Segobriga (Saelices, Hispania Citerior)

  1. Rosario Cebrián Fernández
  2. Ignacio Hortelano Uceda
SPAL: Revista de prehistoria y arqueología de la Universidad de Sevilla

ISSN: 1133-4525 2255-3924

Datum der Publikation: 2017

Nummer: 26

Seiten: 151-186

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.12795/SPAL.2017I26.07 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen Access editor

Andere Publikationen in: SPAL: Revista de prehistoria y arqueología de la Universidad de Sevilla

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The archaeological excavation carried out between 2011 and 2013 in the amphitheatre of Segobriga meant the finding of a deep levelling located at the south side of the building containing more than 90,000 ceramic fragments dating at the beginning of the reign of Vespasian. The total of ,154 sherds of Syrian-Palestinian amphorae recovered during the excavation, including Carrot Amphorae, Kingsholm 117 and Majcherek I, is, nowadays, one of the best sets of this type of containers found in the Iberian Peninsula due both to its quantity and to its typological variety. Their presence in Segobriga reveals the integration of the city in the main Mediterranean trade routes through the port of Carthago Nova, revealing the arrival in the city during the mid-first century AD of exotic products coming from the Near East.

Informationen zur Finanzierung

Los trabajos de excavación de este vertedero se llevaron a cabo entre noviembre de 2011 y marzo de 2012 en el marco del proyecto de consolidación y adecuación del anfiteatro romano de Segobriga-cavea, con cargo al 1% Cultural del Ministerio de Fomento-Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha.


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