Luces e sombras na argumentación da xurisprudencia do TEDH sobre o artigo 9 do convenio

REGAP: Revista galega de administración pública

ISSN: 1132-8371

Datum der Publikation: 2016

Ausgabe: 1

Nummer: 52

Seiten: 61-73

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: REGAP: Revista galega de administración pública


It is regarded as jurisprudential doctrine in relation to art. 9 of the Convention, workers can manifest his religion or belief in the workplace. The employment contract freely assumed does not waive the exercise of this fundamental right in the workplace in all cases. When it prevails the interest of the employer and when of the worker depends on the judgment of proportionality in each case. The judgment of proportionality and reasonable accommodation are considered equivalent, because the practical results are similar. In both cases it is necessary to distinguish between public domain (when the cause of the restriction of a fundamental right is a public authority) and private sphere (when possible limitation of a fundamental right is from a third party).