Propaganda dinástica, militar y religiosa en las monedas de Julia Domna

  1. María del Mar Royo Martínez
Espacio, tiempo y forma. Serie II, Historia antigua

ISSN: 1130-1082

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 30

Pages: 299-322

Type: Article


More publications in: Espacio, tiempo y forma. Serie II, Historia antigua


In this article we make a brief review of the main monetary series that honored Julia Domna, especially of those that present designs and legends not used in the coins of the empresses of the dynasty Antonina, or those that show similar representations but with variations of interest. These series were related to two very specific aspects of the life of the empress: the military and the religious, lived both during the reign of her husband Septimius Severus, and in that of his son Caracalla.

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