Elegía en prosa de Šelomoh Bonafed. Lamento por la muerte de una madre

  1. Prats Oliván, Arturo 1
  1. 1 Real Colegio Complutense en Harvard
Miscelánea de estudios árabes y hebraicos. Sección de hebreo

ISSN: 1696-585X

Year of publication: 2006

Issue Title: Ana Riaño López. In memoriam

Issue: 55

Pages: 335-368

Type: Article

More publications in: Miscelánea de estudios árabes y hebraicos. Sección de hebreo


This article is an approach to the elegiac genre in Bonafed´s diwan. It explores the differences between his texts and the Hebrew classical elegiac tradition. The article also presents the Hebrew edition and Spanish translation of an elegy in prose extant in Bonafed´s diwan. It was written in honour of the mother of an anonymous person. The text includes a short elegy in honour of Bonafed´s mother who died in the same days.