vueltas con el ámbito objetivo y subjetivo de aplicación de la ley de contratos del sector público. Algunas reflexiones

  1. Rafael Caballero Sánchez
Derecho de las relaciones laborales

ISSN: 2387-1113

Argitalpen urtea: 2018

Zenbakien izenburua: Ley 9/2017, de 8 de noviembre, de Contratos del Sector Público

Zenbakia: 8

Orrialdeak: 830-854

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Derecho de las relaciones laborales


The article analyzes the subjective and objective scope of application of the new Public Procurement Act of 2017, characterized by an excessive complexity in distinguishing three levels of subjects linked to that regulation and several pieces of regulation of different intensity, which are combined with the previous ones. On the one hand, the model conserves the previous legislation system, so it raises some of the already existing difficulties and, on the other hand, it gives a new twist in the expansive conception of entities submitted to this guarantee regulation of transparency and publicity of contractual activities when they are financed with public funds. With regard to the former, the peculiar transposition of the European Directives, built on the concepts of ‘contracting authority’ and ‘body governed by public law’, stands out. The Spanish legislator uses the first to refer to the second, that is, to public and private organizations linked to a public administration, and at the same time uses the three defining features of the linkage of these entities with their parent administration (majority financing, control of management or appointment of the majority of the management body) as residual clause of identification of entities included in each level of regulation. This produces confusion, distorts the notion of public administration and allows entities of the same nature to be incardinated at a different subjective level from the one that theoretically corresponds to them according to the legal list. Regarding the second, the law aims to be applied beyond the public sector, to entities of a private nature (political parties, trade unions, business organizations) on which public duties of transparency fall. But the extension is more apparent than real, since it has limited effects and is conditioned, again incurring in a vicious circle, to the fulfillment of the proper notes of the contracting authority.

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