Competencia en el sector aéreo y aeroportuario

  1. Isabel Fern
Documentos de trabajo del Departamento de Derecho Mercantil
  1. Fernández Torres, Isabel

Year of publication: 2015

Issue: 91

Type: Working paper

Sustainable development goals


This paper analyses competition within the aviation sector. It is is an up-to-day review and development of its precedent published in 2009. It first focus on Air Service Liberalization and then discusses in detail the reform of airport management and financing in Spain. Our analysis suggests that the reform that individualizes the airport system doesn´t promote airport competition. On the other hand, the author analyses the new Aviation Guidelines adopted by the European Commission in February 2014 replacing the 1994 and 2005 Aviation Guidelines. The revised rules are welcomed as they further elaborate on the assessment criteria to apply the market economy operator principle and remove certain conditions (that had been deemed questionable) for the European Commission authorising start-up aid to airlines.