Prevención y protección de los riesgos profesionales en el trabajo autónomo

  1. Sira Pérez Agulla 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

Revista del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social: Revista del Ministerio de Trabajo, Migraciones y Seguridad Social

ISSN: 2254-3295

Datum der Publikation: 2018

Titel der Ausgabe: Derecho del trabajo: Prevención y protección de los riesgos profesionales

Nummer: 138

Seiten: 365-396

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social: Revista del Ministerio de Trabajo, Migraciones y Seguridad Social


Bearing in mind that in recent years, the apogee of autonomous work is a fact, we deem it appropriate to deepen the attention given to the protection of the safety and health of those workers who carry out their activity under the autonomy regime. Although the Constitutional Text itself advocated universal protection, which came to protect all types of workers, over the years and with them the different rules that have been regulating the matter, have shown that the protection provided to salaried workers and self-employed workers, in terms of the risks to which they are exposed in the development of their activity, differs substantially. This disparate treatment is entirely logical if we evaluate the features that characterize both workers, mainly, that which has been considered the fundamental criterion to define the field of Labor Law, that is, dependence. In this sense, although the dependent worker carries out his activity under the orders of an employer, the self-employed worker gathers both figures in himself, that is, worker and employer, presiding over the independence of his activity, which makes it difficult to protect his security and health. Precisely with this they have come up against the different norms in the matter of prevention of existing risks both in the international scope and in the national legal order. Given such complexity, the legislator has chosen to distinguish between self-employed employees and, therefore, with all the responsibilities that this figure entails in preventive matters, and those who do not have them, to which refers to self-protection. In addition, the legislator pays attention to a specific assumption such as the context of business coordination, in which the self-employed worker requires their attention by behaving as a risk-generating subject for the salaried worker with whom they share a workplace. Although this pattern already intuited in the Law 31/1995, of Prevention of Labor Risks, to this day it continues repeating, not having given any norm that has dared to approach the complex protection of the one that carries out its activity in total independence and that at the same time that is not constrained to contribute for professional contingencies, which means that neither from the preventive scope nor from the reparative focus their safety and health are guaranteed. Precisely, in this aspect, we find one of the main reasons that have led to the lack of protection of self-employed workers due to safety and health regulations at work. We can not ignore the undeniable relationship between the birth of such regulation and the development of the notion of mandatory assurance of professional contingencies by the employer. Considering that, as we have said, since past times this entrepreneurial requirement was only taken into account with respect to the damages that may be suffered by employed workers, it is understandable that such regulation will focus, almost exclusively, on these, ignoring those who will perform his work in autonomy regime. Thus, today, we must underline that, unfortunately, neither from the preventive scope nor from the reparative approach the safety and health of the self-employed is guaranteed.

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