Educación y formación en emprendimiento socialcaracterísticas y creación de valor social sostenible en proyectos de emprendimiento social

  1. Sánchez Espada, Javier 1
  2. Martín López, Sonia 1
  3. Bel Durán, Paloma 1
  4. Lejarriaga Pérez de las Vacas, Gustavo 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España
REVESCO: revista de estudios cooperativos

ISSN: 1135-6618

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 129

Pages: 16-38

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5209/REVE.62492 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: REVESCO: revista de estudios cooperativos

Sustainable development goals


OECD and the EU have have shown themselves to be inclined towards the inclusion of the " entrepreneurial initiative " in the various stages of education. In 2000, training for the acquisition of entrepreneurial culture became one of the central pillars that should guide the educational policies of European countries. With RD 1147/2011, of 29th July, the professional module for business and entrepreneurship was introduced. Law 14/2013, of 27 September, on support for entrepreneurs and their internationalisation, also includes measures for young people to acquire, through the education system, the skills and abilities required for entrepreneurship.Moreover, the European institutions consider "the promotion of the social economy as a key driver of economic and social development in Europe" (Resolution of the European Council of Ministers for Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs of 7 December 2015). On 23 May 2017, the governments of 11 EU countries signed the 'Madrid Declaration', in which they stressed the relevance of promoting and including entrepreneurship under social economy formulas in the curricula at different stages of education.Social entrepreneurship' is attracting increasing interest, given the need to help generate value by responding to social needs, i.e. economic, social and environmental challenges, by seeking innovative solutions in line with the priorities of the EU 2020 Strategy.This paper analyzes the main characteristics required of a social entrepreneurship project, as well as the concretion of "the creation of sustainable value", both in social entrepreneurship projects that have the recognition of reference organizations, as in new projects undertaken by university students based on the definitions and differentiating features that are obtained as a conclusion in the projects carried out by the Cátedra de Emprendimiento Social UCM-Santander.

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