Breve exposición del status quaestionis de la cláusula de vencimiento anticipado, en espera de la sentencia del TJUE que resuelva la cuestión prejudicial planteada por el Tribunal Supremo

  1. Teresa Asunción Jiménez París
Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario

ISSN: 0210-0444

Year of publication: 2019

Year: 95

Issue: 772

Pages: 1014-1040

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario


The early termination clause allows the creditor to activate foreclosure in the event of non-payment of any mortgage loan repayment installments. The canon to determine its abuse was established by the STJUE of March 14, 2013, whose doctrine has been reiterated in subsequent resolutions of the CJEU. Although the CJEU has established that a clause declared abusive must be eliminated from the contract without possibility of integration, the Spanish Supreme Court has established a case law according to which, if the exercise that the mortgagee has made, in the specific case, of the early expiration, is not abusive in the terms set by the CJEU, could continue the foreclosure, because it is considered favorable to the debtor, although the abstract control of the clause has determined its abuse and consequent nullity. This jurisprudence, however, is considered contrary to the doctrine of the CJEU by various Spanish judicial bodies that have raised prejudicial questions in this regard. The TS itself has raised a prejudicial question on the possible application of the blue pencil rule to the early termination clause, which would allow a partial nullity only of the elements considered abusive. And, equally, it inquires about the compatibility of its jurisprudential doctrine, to which we have referred before, with the Community Jurisprudence, on the basis of the exclusive advantages that the executive mortgage procedure offers to the debtor, which would justify integrating the contract with the norm of art. 693.2 LEC, continuing the execution started.

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