Implementación de una aplicación en el sistema de prescripción electrónica del HUMV para incrementar el cribado VHB y VHC

  1. Javier Crespo García Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 2017(e)ko ekaina-(a)k 16

  1. Agustín Albillos Martínez Presidentea
  2. Víctor Manuel Martínez Taboada Idazkaria
  3. Rafael Bañares Cañizares Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 471033 DIALNET lock_openUCrea editor


HBV and HCV infected patients treated with immnunosuppresants may suffer viral reactivation during or, more often, after the interrumption of these treatments. The risk is higher among different factors, incluiding the drug prescribed, the disease or the serologic status of the patient. HBV and HCV are both non-citopatic viruses. During immunosuppressant treatment they spread over the hepatocites. After it, when the drug is suspended, the restored immune system will lead to liver damage and even acute liver failure or death. So, it is mandatory to screen all patients prior to iniciate an immunosuppressant treatment. In our hospital, from 2012 a new application was implemented in the computer physician order entry system to remember all physicians the risk of HBV and HCV reactivation and to facilitate HBV and HCV screening in those with unkown serological status. This new application has achieved over 90% of patient screening and it has avoided all potencial reactivation events.