Optimización de la exposición médica y ocupacional en cardiología intervencionista mediante el uso de sensores de radiaciones ionizantes

  1. Ordiales Solís, José Manuel
Supervised by:
  1. Fernando Javier Álvarez Franco Director
  2. Eliseo Vañó Carruana Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 27 October 2017

  1. José Ramón López Mínguez Chair
  2. José Miguel Fernandez Soto Secretary
  3. Juan Manuel Campayo Esteban Committee member

Type: Thesis


The objective of this work was to perform a set of actions aimed to optimize the dose of ionizing radiation necessary for the practice of Interventional Cardiology, both in relation to dose to patients (medical exposure) and the dose received by workers (occupational exposure). This was achieved through the use of sensors of ionizing radiation based on semiconductor technology and ionization of gas that allowed the registration of dosimetric parameters. According to its design were used for dose record in direct beam and beam of scattered radiation. In addition were used in sensors based on thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence for measurements of occupational dose. The dose optimization was performed using two strategies. The first consisted in a controlled reduction of the parameters of irradiation of the X-ray equipment generating a lower radiation exposure to patients and workers compatible with the proper image quality. We conducted a thorough follow-up during 42 months. The second consisted in the evaluation of a system of complementary protection to the use that was conducted in two phases, in controlled experiment on phantom and in randomized study with medical procedures. The results showed a reduction of 40% of the dosimetric indicators for large samples of procedures to which was added a reduction of occupational exposure of a 50 % with the use of protection material. The results were presented in three JCR-indexed publications