El proceso de urbanización de la meseta norte en la protohistoria y la antigüedadla ciudad celtibérica y romana de termes (s. VI a.C. - 193 p.C.)

  1. Martinez Caballero, Santiago
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Julio Mangas Manjarrés Doktorvater

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 13 von Januar von 2016

  1. Santiago Montero Herrero Präsident
  2. María del Rosario Hernando Sobrino Sekretärin
  3. Pilar Fernández Uriel Vocal
  4. Julio Gómez Santa Cruz Vocal
  5. Juan Santos Yanguas Vocal

Art: Dissertation


Tiermes (Montejo de Tiermes, Soria, Castilla y León, Spain) is an archaeological site with an important research background, where the successive explorations and analyses performed on the site and in the region since the beginning of the 20th century offer a broad material record, forming the bulk of high quality information, allowing an in depth analysis of the evolution of this community in the Duero valley during Proto-history and Antiquity, considering the continuity of occupation of the Tiermes site between the 6th centuries BC and the late imperial Roman period. Using this documentary evidence, we have made a paleontological, archaeological and autonomous historical analysis, based on the local records, to prepare a specific explanatory model about the origin and development of the city and the State in the Proto-history on the Northern Plateau using the case of Termes, and to analyse the subsequent integration process of this community as a civil territorial unit within an imperial superstructure. Firstly the pre-urban premises are analysed, followed by the attempt to rebuild the structural characteristics and evolution of the proto-urban and urban organisation, up to the 2nd century A.D. We cover the analysis of the successive models of socio-political organisation, their continuity and break up guidelines, the interconnection between these and the parameters defining this dynamic and changing urban structure. We intend to make a new contribution to the disciplinary debate, for the analysis of a unit of the proto-historical and Roman Celtiberia, using historical, archaeological, philological and anthological analysis frameworks. The analysis proposal is also based on our direct research activity on the Tiermes site, where we have explored the area, correctly defined by administrative authorities, work that concentrates on field work performed between the years of 2002 and 2006, to which we have added the review of the epigraphic, numismatic and archaeological documentation...