María Goyrisu mundo y su entorno 1873 - 1954

  1. Ontañon Sanchez, Elvira
Dirigée par:
  1. Guadalupe Gómez-Ferrer Morant Directrice

Université de défendre: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 10 février 2016

  1. Juan Pablo Fusi Aizpurua President
  2. Raquel Sánchez García Secrétaire
  3. Isabel Pérez-Villanueva Tovar Rapporteur
  4. Nicolás Ortega Cantero Rapporteur
  5. Jon Juaristi Linacero Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


The objective of this doctoral thesis is to highlight –and in some cases to introduce– the figure of María Goyri. Wife of Ramón Menéndez Pidal and enthusiastic collaborator of his work, especially as it regards the spanish Romancero, she is generally known only by this circumstance, despite having developed an intense personal activity in various fields and led the life of a forefront woman of her day. The 80 years that María Goyri lived correspond to a particularly intense moment in the life of Spain and also in the rest of the world, in which appeared major changes that she lived in first person. Her family, cultural and social environment was also interesting: her life was directly linked to the Institución Libre de Enseñanza and also to the Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios, that during its 30 years of existence occupied María Goyri's activities, specifically in the Residencia de Señoritas, 1915, and in the Instituto Escuela, 1918. During the Spanish War of 1936 she experienced a brief period of exile, suffered the separation of her family until the end of conflict, and during the forties and fifties, along with Ramón Menéndez Pidal, she also went through the repression and material and cultural poverty typical of that time in Spain, despite which she devoted to investigate on her own. From her youth María Goyri displayed a personality without prejudices, able to fight for her goals: the first of them was to officially enroll in college, something rather difficult in 1892, but in which she succeeded by brilliantly pursuing graduate and doctoral studies. In the same year, 1892, she participated in the Hispanic-Portuguese-American Pedagogical Congress...