El cuadro de mando como instrumento de control en la gestión socialrecursos humanos y medio ambiente

  1. Tejada Ponce, Ángel
  2. Nevado Peña, Domingo
  3. Banegas Ochovo, Regino
Revista española de financiación y contabilidad

ISSN: 0210-2412

Year of publication: 2000

Issue: 103

Pages: 107-147

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista española de financiación y contabilidad


This paper is aimed to analyse the role that a command table plays in the management control system of organizations. It makes possible a dynamic management of firm's resources. Moreover, we propose that the existence of a social control system in the companies would be convenient. It must be integrated with the economic-financial management system, in order to verify the aspects relative to the relationships of the company with its workers and the environment. In such a way, we think that the general manager of the oerganzation should introduce a soio-economic control in his management control system. It will make possible a better relationship between company, human resources and environment. In this socio-economic control system, we defend the importance of the command table adn, thereby, we expose a list of ratios or indicators referred to the environment, as well as to the human resources. They could be the base for choosing, in each moment and for each responsible, what should be integrated in the corresponding command table.

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