Un esquema basado en multiprocesamiento para la resolución de problemas de optimización

  1. Troya Linero, José María
  2. Ortega Cantero, Manuel
  3. Vaquero Sánchez, Antonio
Revista de informática y automática

ISSN: 0210-8712

Year of publication: 1986

Year: 19

Issue: 2

Pages: 46-50

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de informática y automática


There are many optimization problems that cannot be solved in the polynomial time, and then they are intractables when the problem size grows. With the technological advances in VSLI design, using parallel processing, would be a solution. In this paper we give a parallel scheme for one of the most used methods in optimization problems solving, the branch-and-bound method. This scheme is based in the use of as much list of active nodes as processors have the system. The performance of the model is evaluated for random generated search trees.