Epitaxial solar cells over upgraded metallurgical silicon substrates: The epimetsi project
- Sánchez-Friera, P.
- Caballero, L.J.
- Alonso, J.
- Enebakk, E.
- Garrard, B.
- Duerinckx, F.
- Van Nieuwenhuysen, K.
- Kuzma-Filipek, I.
- Beaucame, G.
- Rodríguez, H.
- Zamorano, J.C.
- Tobías, I.
- Luque, A.
- Rodríguez, A.
- Recaman, M.J.
- Méndez, L.
- Romero, M.D.
- Ovejero, G.
- Ricaud, A.
Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, WCPEC-4
ISBN: 9781424400164
Year of publication: 2007
Volume: 2
Pages: 1548-1551
Type: Conference paper