Documentación conventual en el Archivo Diocesano de Mérida, Badajozconfección de un sistema de información histórica (localización, análisis documental y gestión automatizada)

  1. Pérez Ortiz, María Guadalupe
Supervised by:
  1. Agustín Vivas Moreno Director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 09 October 2006

  1. José López Yepes Chair
  2. Pedro Luis Lorenzo Cadarso Secretary
  3. Juan Ros García Committee member
  4. Luis Enrique Rodríguez San Pedro Bezares Committee member
  5. Antonio Ruiz Committee member

Type: Thesis


The present doctoral thesis has like purpose of presenting one of the entities archivistical more important and, simultaneously less known about Extremadura, the File Diocesano de Mérida-Badajoz, though conventual documentation. Our research, therefore, two main aims: determining the theoretical foundations on which origin and develop the file, and analyze the conventual documentation conserve in the file, from the slope archivistica as historical.