Desarrollo y validación de un sistema de evaluación de competencias quirúrgicas técnicas y no técnicas en prostatectomía radical laparoscópica

  1. Sánchez Fernández,, Javier
Dirixida por:
  1. J. Bachiller Burgos Director
  2. Francisco Miguel Sánchez Margallo Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 04 de decembro de 2015

  1. Jesús Usón Gargallo Presidente/a
  2. Álvaro Serrano Pascual Secretario/a
  3. Jesús Moreno Sierra Vogal
  4. José Manuel Cózar Olmo Vogal
  5. Jesús Usón Casaus Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 397168 DIALNET


In an increasingly demanding environment among health professionals and due to the ongoing development of new technologies and surgical protocols, it becomes necessary to have objective tools that can assess the competencies and skills of a surgeon in an effective manner, and whose results serve as a reference for the optimization of surgical services where the activity is provided. On the other hand, pathologies associated with the prostate in males, have positioned in recent years as an issue of high concern within the civil society and health structure itself, because its social implications, the deterioration of patients' quality of life, health related expenses and information provided on morbidity and mortality. Analyzing the bibliography and available literature we have noted that different systems of evaluation already exist. However, these have in our view a number of shortcomings that makes them inadequate for its purpose. For this reason, and from this starting point, we have considered the development of a specific system for the objective assessment of surgical skills: ESSCOLAP. Urologists specialized in the pathology of the prostate, and more specifically, those who carry out the Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy, hereinafter LRP, have established this methodology as one of the options that is becoming more and more developed, for the treatment of prostate carcinomas. In addition, both the proposed system and the competencies displayed by urologists during a surgical training activity will be validated by experts.