El maestro de escuela rural en la narrativa española del siglo XX

  1. Leal Canales, José Antonio
Dirigée par:
  1. Miguel Ángel Lama Directeur/trice
  2. Sebastián Díaz Iglesias Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 20 novembre 2014

  1. Francisco Javier Díez de Revenga Torres President
  2. Ramón Pérez Parejo Secrétaire
  3. Julián López García Rapporteur
  4. Luis Pumares Puertas Rapporteur
  5. Isabel Román Román Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


This Doctoral Thesis is to show the character of the rural school teacher, as he has been seen by various Spanish writers of the twentieth century. To do this, the character is located, from the point of view of context in different political and historical moments, from the Regency period to the late twentieth century. The study was done from several points of view, which correspond to those listed in different narrative works. It is not, therefore, a professional study of the same, but the literary vision that different authors from different literary movements have on the character. Thus, it is necessary to study the rural teacher taking into account different aspects such as his evolution throughout the twentieth century, his description, the types and functions representing, without losing sight of the social and political contexts in which operates, as well as their relationships with students and other members of the rural community. The work closes with relevant findings and the bibliography, both the corpus of novels and the works used as documentation.