El concepto de tiempo en las vanguardias históricasFuturismo, Pintura metafísica y Dadaísmo

  1. Fernández Campón, Miguel
Supervised by:
  1. María del Mar Lozano Bartolozzi Director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 30 April 2014

  1. Fernando Martín Martín Chair
  2. Juan Agustín Mancebo Roca Secretary
  3. María Jesús Avila Corchero Committee member
  4. María Dolores Jiménez-Blanco Carrillo de Albornoz Committee member
  5. Moisés Bazán de Huerta Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 362044 DIALNET


This doctoral thesis, entitled The Concept of Time in the Historical Avant-Garde: Futurism, Pittura Metafisica and Dadaism, aims to elucidate the kinds of temporality that the work of some of the authors of these movements involves. For this purposes, I make a clear distinction between two kinds of time and temporality. The first kind of time is exospheric, infinit, positivist, mytho-technological and eleatic. This is a temporality of presence, vision, transcendence, chronology and onto-theology. The other kind of time is radically different. It is the time of not being. It is an exospheric time of the limit, of duration and flux. It is the time of blindness, randomness, virtuality, inmannence, affirmative repetition and the differential and "trans-banal" event. The difference between these two kinds of time is based on the ideas of some modern philophers such as Bergson, Deleuze, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Vattimo, Sloterdijk, Derrida, Virilio, Lyotard, Didi-Huberman and Benjamin, among others. Projected onto the pictorial, sculptural, performative, literary and objectual works by Futurists, artists of the pittura metafisica and Dadaists, this difference acts as a linguistic network that enables to interpret their corresponding aesthetic and temporal grammar according to their own specificity.