General image understanding in visual metaphor identification

  1. Irene Millán Macía
  2. Ester Sorm
  3. Gerard Steen
Odisea: Revista de estudios ingleses

ISSN: 1578-3820

Año de publicación: 2017

Número: 18

Páginas: 113-131

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Odisea: Revista de estudios ingleses


Research on visual metaphor has rapidly developed in the wake of verbal metaphor research, focusing on the development of taxonomies for visual metaphors and the analysis of the use of visual metaphor in specialized genres. In these studies visual metaphor identification seems to be quite straightforward. However, a reliable procedure for identifying visual metaphor in all sorts of contexts still needs to be developed. The first step of such procedure is concerned with the acquisition of a general understanding of an image. In this article we explore the issues that analysts face when they look at the image and establish its general meaning.

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