Francisco Valdés lee a Rubén DaríoApuntes sobre su prosa crítica

  1. Guadalupe Nieto Caballero 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Extremadura

    Universidad de Extremadura

    Badajoz, España


Tres centenarios. Teatro Carolina Coronado, Cervantes y Rubén Darío. Almendralejo: actas de las VIII Jornadas de Historia de Almendralejo y Tierra de Barros
  1. Juan Diego Carmona Barrero (coord.)
  2. Matilde Tribiño García (coord.)

Publisher: Asociación Histórica de Almendralejo

ISBN: 978-84-697-7146-4

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 355-363

Congress: Jornadas de Historia de Almendralejo y Tierra de Barros (8. 2016. Almendralejo)

Type: Conference paper


In this article we scrutinize Francisco Valdés’s prose (Don Benito, 1892-1936) from his lectures and the assimilation of Rubén Darío’s critical model. The echo of the Nicaraguan author would be kept by writers such as Azorín, Villaespesa, Juan Ramón Jiménez, the Machado brothers or Francisco Valdés. The Extremenian essayist contributed substantially to the transformation of the regional avant-garde movement. This is demonstrated through his intense critical work for the most important newspapers and publications on that time. For this analysis we have used two corpora, one containing Darío’s critical prose and the other comprising Valdés’s articles and his well-known literary impressions from his books and press. Specifically, we will focus on Letras (Notas de un lector) (1933), in which Valdés pays tribute to Darío’s Letras of 1911 not only in the title, but also to the critical work in his texts. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate Darío’s echo in Valdés’s book and the validity and continuation of his critical model in the works of the Extremenian author, which is a prose in which he demonstrates a high literary level both in the forms and in the authors and works he glosses.