El conjunto epigráfico de Villalís-Luyego-Priaranza de la Valduerna (León).Una propuesta de interpretación

  1. Zubiaurre Ibáñez, Elena
  2. Beltrán Ortega, Alejandro
Presente y futuro de los paisajes mineros del pasado: Estudios sobre minería, metalurgia y poblamiento
  1. García Pulido, Luis José (ed. lit.)
  2. Arboledas Martínez, Luis (ed. lit.)
  3. Alarcón García, Eva (ed. lit.)
  4. Contreras Cortés, Francisco (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Editorial Universidad de Granada ; Universidad de Granada

ISBN: 9788433861573

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 377-387

Congress: Congreso Internacional sobre Minería y Metalurgia Históricas en el Sudoeste Europeo (8. 2014. Granada)

Type: Conference paper


From the second half of the second century on, we find a remarkable concentration of arae with references to procuratores in Villalís de la Valduerna, Luyego de Somoza and Priaranza de la Valduerna (León), which may be related with the presence of gold mines. These votive epigraphs are dedicated to Iovi Optimus Maximus by soldiers of the legio VII Gemina, Cohors I Gallica and Cohors I Celtiberorum, and they commemorate the birth of their respective units, beside procuratores. This epigraphic group is exceptional throughout the Empire, but nevertheless its historical significance has not been resolved as of yet. In this paper, we will try to relate the arae to the presence of the mining activities and link with the role played by the Empire throughout the II century AD. Our goal is to propose an interpretive line to advance the understanding of this epigraphic group.