Status of NCRP scientific committee 1-23 commentaryon guidance on radiation dose limits for the lens of the eye

  1. Dauer, L.T.
  2. Ainsbury, E.A.
  3. Dynlacht, J.
  4. Hoel, D.
  5. Klein, B.E.K.
  6. Mayer, D.
  7. Prescott, C.R.
  8. Thornton, R.H.
  9. Vano, E.
  10. Woloschak, G.E.
  11. Flannery, C.M.
  12. Goldstein, L.E.
  13. Hamada, N.
  14. Tran, P.K.
  15. Grissom, M.P.
  16. Blakely, E.A.
Health Physics

ISSN: 1538-5159 0017-9078

Argitalpen urtea: 2016

Alea: 110

Zenbakia: 2

Orrialdeak: 182-184

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1097/HP.0000000000000412 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak