Evolución de los clústeres industriales a través de las innovaciones disruptivas

  1. Valiente Bordanova, David
  1. Francesc Xavier Molina Morales Zuzendaria
  2. Luis Martínez Cháfer Zuzendarikidea

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universitat Jaume I

Fecha de defensa: 2019(e)ko urria-(a)k 01

  1. Cristina Boari Presidentea
  2. María Teresa Martínez Fernández Idazkaria
  3. María Ángeles Montoro Sánchez Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 601714 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


Territorial agglomerations, and more specifically industrial clusters, have played - and are still playing- a very important role in the growth of the regions where they are located. However, in recent years, the rapid transformation of the competitive scenario- due mainly to phenomena such as globalization- has subjected these business contexts to a series of challenges that, in a way, have threatened their survival. Against this background, industrial clusters have been forced to devise new ways of regaining their competitiveness, which -in some cases- can even question the way in which these agglomerations have traditionally been characterised. This research focuses on the analysis of how industrial clusters are able to boost their regeneration and, consequently, open up new development opportunities through one of those alternatives: the disruptive innovations.