Development of ceramic lithium ion electrolytes for high performance batteries

  1. Manalastas Wang, William Jr
Supervised by:
  1. John Kilner Director
  2. Frederic Aguesse Co-director

Defence university: Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Fecha de defensa: 22 December 2016

  1. Luis María Lezama Diago Chair
  2. Idoia Ruiz de Larramendi Secretary
  3. Susana Garcia Martin Committee member
  4. Glenn Christhofer Mather Committee member
  5. Ainara Aguadero Garín Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 447992 DIALNET lock_openADDI editor


The electromobility revolution has promoted research unto cutting-edge battery concepts with high energy and power densities, with paramount premium on safety. The electrolyte in these devices has to be insulating to electrons but highly conductive to ions with a wide range of electrochemical stability during operation. Using a solid electrolyte may allow the use of lithium metal as an anode (by blocking the Li dendrite formation) and the exploration of high-voltage cathode materials. In this regard, the use of ceramic oxides can also provide safer, low cost devices boosting the use of batteries in large scale applications. This PhD project aimed to understand the relationship between crystal structure and microstructure with Li-mobility mechanisms within garnet-structured oxide materials. An engineered material with superior ionic conductivity has been developed (1 mS/cm), and its application in a full-cell battery investigated in detail.