Significant and constant increase in hospitalization due to heart failure in Spain over 15 year period

  1. Méndez-Bailón, M.
  2. Jiménez-García, R.
  3. Hernández-Barrera, V.
  4. Comín-Colet, J.
  5. Esteban-Hernández, J.
  6. de Miguel-Díez, J.
  7. de Miguel-Yanes, J.M.
  8. Muñoz-Rivas, N.
  9. Lorenzo-Villalba, N.
  10. López-de-Andrés, A.
European Journal of Internal Medicine

ISSN: 1879-0828 0953-6205

Year of publication: 2019

Volume: 64

Pages: 48-56

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.EJIM.2019.02.019 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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