Eye lens dose levels in interventional rooms using simple phantom simulation, dose management software and Monte Carlo method of uncertainty assessment

  1. Bayón, J.
  2. Alejo, L.
  3. Koren, C.
  4. Huerga, C.
  5. Corredoira, E.
  6. Serrada, A.
  7. Balbacid, E.
  8. Gutierrez-Larraya, F.
  9. Guibelalde, E.
Applied Radiation and Isotopes

ISSN: 1872-9800 0969-8043

Argitalpen urtea: 2018

Alea: 141

Orrialdeak: 130-137

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1016/J.APRADISO.2018.08.014 GOOGLE SCHOLAR