Manipulation of catechol-O-methyl-transferase (COMT) activity to influence the attenuation of substance seeking behavior, a subtype of Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS), is dependent upon gene polymorphisms: A hypothesis

  1. Blum, K.
  2. Chen, T.J.H.
  3. Meshkin, B.
  4. Waite, R.L.
  5. Downs, B.W.
  6. Blum, S.H.
  7. Mengucci, J.F.
  8. Arcuri, V.
  9. Braverman, E.R.
  10. Palomo, T.
Medical Hypotheses

ISSN: 0306-9877

Year of publication: 2007

Volume: 69

Issue: 5

Pages: 1054-1060

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.MEHY.2006.12.062 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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