Lack of sterol regulatory element binding factor-1c imposes glial fatty acid utilization leading to peripheral neuropathy

  1. Cermenati, G.
  2. Audano, M.
  3. Giatti, S.
  4. Carozzi, V.
  5. Porretta-Serapiglia, C.
  6. Pettinato, E.
  7. Ferri, C.
  8. D'Antonio, M.
  9. De Fabiani, E.
  10. Crestani, M.
  11. Scurati, S.
  12. Saez, E.
  13. Azcoitia, I.
  14. Cavaletti, G.
  15. Garcia-Segura, L.-M.
  16. Melcangi, R.C.
  17. Caruso, D.
  18. Mitro, N.
Cell Metabolism

ISSN: 1932-7420 1550-4131

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 21

Issue: 4

Pages: 571-583

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.CMET.2015.02.016 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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