Protein-protein interactions governing septin heteropentamer assembly and septin filament organization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

  1. Versele, M.
  2. Gullbrand, B.
  3. Shulewitz, M.J.
  4. Cid, V.J.
  5. Bahmanyar, S.
  6. Chen, R.E.
  7. Barth, P.
  8. Alber, T.
  9. Thorner, J.
Molecular Biology of the Cell

ISSN: 1059-1524

Argitalpen urtea: 2004

Alea: 15

Zenbakia: 10

Orrialdeak: 4568-4583

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1091/MBC.E04-04-0330 GOOGLE SCHOLAR