Psicología y medioambienteun reto ineludible
- Miguel López Cabanas
- Juan Ignacio Aragonés
ISSN: 0214-7823, 1886-1415
Year of publication: 2019
Volume: 40
Issue: 3
Pages: 161-166
Type: Article
More publications in: Papeles del psicólogo
This work reflects on the role of psychology in the face of a deteriorating environment, showing a symbiosis between two psychological disciplines, environmental psychology and social intervention psychology. The text highlights the alarming environmental situation in which Planet Earth finds itself due to human behavior, and the implications this has for its inhabitants. The need to approach climate change from a multidisciplinary perspective is known, although in this case the aim is to highlight the role of psychology in helping citizens carry out actions that are ecologically appropriate to avoid climate change. Likewise, a brief presentation of the texts of this monographic issue is made, focusing on some of the issues that can be considered central to seeking behaviors that attenuate the deterioration of the environment. After a summary of how climate change is seen by psychology, the theoretical foundations for achieving ecologically responsible behavior are documented, the role of social norms is discussed, and the importance of children’s experiences in the concern for the environment and a case of intervention in a catastrophe situation are reported, illustrating what can be understood as adaptive behavior in terms of climate change
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