Comportamiento psicopático en el trastorno límite de la personalidad, relación con la disfunción neurocognitiva

  1. Lopez Villatoro, Jose Manuel
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Nerea Palomares Mora Doktormutter
  2. José Luis Carrasco Perera Doktorvater

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 29 von Oktober von 2019

  1. Filiberto Fuentenebro de Diego Präsident
  2. Marina Díaz-Marsa Sekretärin
  3. Guillermo Lahera Forteza Vocal
  4. Luis Caballero Martínez Vocal
  5. María José Moreno Díaz Vocal
  1. Medicina Legal, Psiquiatría y Patología

Art: Dissertation


The main purpose of this doctoral thesis is to investigate association between psychopathic traits and clinical characteristics of borderline personality disorder (BPD). According to Hare's two factors model, in general the available studies have reported BPD closer association to Factor 2 (F2) of psychopathy, characterized by impulsive or antisocial behaviors, in comparison with Factor 1 (F1), which includes interpersonal and affective traits such as lack of guilt or empathy, with which no direct relationships have been found with the limiting traits, or have even been negatively correlated. The second main objective of this study is to show whether BPD higher rate of psychopathy patients show different performance in every neurocognitive domains of attention, memory and executive function. In this sense, the literature shows a negative association between psychopathy and executive functions, while, in contrast, Factor 1 is positively related to executive performance.