Validación del criterio de resultado de enfermería 1307muerte digna

Supervised by:
  1. Sergio González Cervantes Director
  2. Enrique Pacheco del Cerro Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 21 November 2019

  1. Alfonso Meneses Monroy Chair
  2. Ismael Ortuño Soriano Secretary
  3. Pilar Serrano Gallardo Committee member
  4. Maria Antonia Lopez Romero Committee member
  5. Mª. Lourdes Casillas Santana Committee member
  1. Enfermería

Type: Thesis


INTRODUCTION: At the national level, three important measures have been highlighted that have led to the necessary push to guarantee quality care for dying patients and their families: 1) the birth and development of Palliative Care; 2) respect for the autonomy of the patient anchored with the Declaration of Anticipated Will and 3) the regulation of legislation that guarantees a dignified death. JUSTIFICATION: This doctoral thesis examines the validity of the NOC to report the effects of Nursing interventions on dignified death. It represents a starting point to establish future lines of improvement that allow joining efforts to achieve a death worthy of the dying patient and his family. GENERAL AIM: To validate theoretically the Nursing Outcomes Criteria 1307: ¿dignified death¿, belonging to the Spanish version of the fifth edition of the original English work Nursing Outcomes Classification. METHODOLOGY: The present doctoral thesis conforms to a theoretical validation study carried out in two phases: Scientific validation of the term Digna Death through the development of two mixed study reviews and Content validation of the Nursing Outcome Criteria 1307: Digna Death using the Delphi method . RESULTS: Four themes related to death were inductively discovered: 1) "Good Death"; 2) "Bad Death"; 3) "Dignified Death"; and 4) Provision of a "good death." This last theme was structured in two sub-themes: obstacles to offer a "good death" and facilitators to provide a "good death". By consensus of experts, of the twenty-five initial indicators of the Nursing Outcome 1307: