Principios generales y políticas públicasherramientas del Derecho Administrativo para optimizar la satisfacción de necesidades y universalizar los derechos humanos en un Estado eficaz

  1. Minnicelli, Alessandra
Supervised by:
  1. Ricardo Rivero Ortega Co-director
  2. Bernardo Kliksberg Co-director
  3. Walter F. Carnota Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 26 July 2012

  1. Juan Carlos Cassagne Chair
  2. Dámaso F. Javier Vicente Blanco Secretary
  3. María Esther del Campo García Committee member
  4. Ángel Sánchez Blanco Committee member

Type: Thesis


The work relates the scope of public policy, to frame the scope of the general principles of administrative law. Based on the social and democratic state of law, the study focuses on public policy from the Administrative Law as guarantor of the public interest and basic rights. They provide novel approaches to classical categories of administrative law, such as public interest, accountability of public officials and State public employment, accountability and access to information. the social and public control, effectiveness and efficiency, with an impact on contemporary issues of public law as the constitutionalization of law in general, new normative sources of Community law, territorial decentralization and civil society participation, social management . Relevance assuming administrative activity of the State, how it affects all the constitutionalization of the principle of effectiveness (CE art.103.1), the influence of legislation-measure and administrative jurisdiction, as suitable instruments in the protection of rights of the governed. Public policy is the State's responses to situations socially considered as problematic, and need to be solved on the basis of the government's agenda, is studying the type of actions taken by the State in different aspects of their business, how they are made and developed and how to assess and change. Public policies, seen as externalization of the direction and content of state action, play a critical role in satisfying the common good. The actions taken by the State from the perspective of the principles of administrative law, consists of positive rules and general principles that serve to articulate, interpret and complete these rules, so that public decisions are effective from conception and throughout the process design, development and evaluation