Democracia y poder legislativo en Chilede la representación política a la conformación de las élites (1990-2009)

  1. Santos Pérez, Antonia
Supervised by:
  1. Manuel Alcántara Sáez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 13 July 2010

  1. Manuel Redero San Román Chair
  2. Salvador Martí Puig Secretary
  3. María Esther del Campo García Committee member
  4. Leticia M. Ruiz Rodríguez Committee member
  5. Antonio Robles Egea Committee member

Type: Thesis


This paper contains a case study of political representation and formation of the parliamentary elite in Chile from the observation of the members of the Chamber of Deputies since the reopening of Congress in 1989. Was performed to characterize the Chilean Deputy on five areas or fields that define the political representatives who, from socioeconomic characteristics, origin, through family history, political career, a relationship with his political party valuation parliamentary activity, and finally, which she does after leaving the House of Representatives. These fields of observation is framed within a broader political process that considers the democratic development of the game taking as a political party.