Histone deacetylase 6 at crossroads of infection and innnate immunity

  1. Moreno Gonzalo, Olga
  1. Francisco Sánchez Madrid Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 2018(e)ko maiatza-(a)k 25

  1. Manuel Fresno Escudero Presidentea
  2. Juan Manuel Serrador Peiró Idazkaria
  3. Carlos Martín Montañés Kidea
  4. José Ramón Regueiro González-Barros Kidea
  5. Ángel Luis Corbi Lopez Kidea

Mota: Tesia


HDAC6 is a tubulin deacetylase involved in many cellular functions related to cytoskeleton dynamics including cell migration and autophagy. In addition, HDAC6 affects antigen-dependent CD4+ T cell activation. In this study, we show that HDAC6 contributes to the cytotoxic function of CD8+ T cells. Immunization studies revealed defective cytotoxic activity in vivo in the absence of HDAC6. Adoptive transfer of wild-type or Hdac6-/- CD8+ T cells to Rag1-/- mice demonstrated specific impairment in CD8+ T cell responses against vaccinia infection. Mechanistically, HDAC6-deficient cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) showed defective in vitro cytolytic activity related to altered dynamics of lytic granules, inhibited kinesin 1 – dynactin mediated terminal transport of lytic granules to the immune synapse and deficient exocytosis, but not to target cell recognition, T cell receptor (TCR) activation or interferon (IFNγ) production. Our results establish HDAC6 as an effector of the immune cytotoxic response that acts by affecting the dynamics, transport and secretion of lytic granules by CTLs