Biological characterizacion of recombinant pseudorabies virus

  1. Álvarez, E.
  2. Prieto Suárez, Cinta
  3. Martínez Lobo, Francisco Javier
  4. Castro, J.M.
Spanish journal of agricultural research

ISSN: 1695-971X 2171-9292

Argitalpen urtea: 2008

Zenbakia: 4

Orrialdeak: 521-530

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.5424/SJAR/2008064-346 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Spanish journal of agricultural research

Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak


In a previous study we obtained and characterized in vitro a novel pseudorabies virus (PRV) variant named gIp2 with a TK, gI/gE, 11k and 28k negative phenotype and a duplication of PK gene. The main objective of the present study was to determine the safety and efficacy, as a vaccine candidate, of this recombinant PRV. For this purpose, we used 24 PRV seronegative three weeks old piglets that were divided into five groups of treatment. Piglets of groups A and B were immunized twice with 106.5 and 105.5 TCID50 of gIp2, respectively; pigs of group C were vaccinated twice with MLV vaccine Auskipra GN® and pigs of groups D and E were not immunized and served as infected and uninfected controls, respectively. Four weeks after the second immunization pigs of groups A, B, C and D were challenged by intranasal inoculation of 106 TCID50 of the wildtype NIA-3 strain of PRV. No adverse reactions or clinical signs were observed in any group after immunization, indicating that the application of up to 10 times the conventional dose included in a commercial vaccine (i.e. 105.5 TCID50) of gIp2 was safe in piglets. Additionally, the inoculation of gIp2 induced an immune response able to provide clinical and virological protection against pseudorabies virus after challenge. In conclusion, the use of gIp2 in piglets as a vaccine virus is safe and induces an immunity comparable to that exerted by commercially available vaccines.