L'actitud crítica sobre el culte al cos des de l'educació física. Investigació-acció entorn del disseny, aplicació i avaluació d'un recurs educatiu multimèdia

  1. Tirado Ramos, Miguel Ángel
Supervised by:
  1. Susanna Soler Prat Director
  2. Maria Rosa Rosselló Ramon Director

Defence university: Universitat de les Illes Balears

Fecha de defensa: 12 July 2010

  1. Maria Prat Grau Chair
  2. Francesc Xavier Ponseti Verdaguer Secretary
  3. Juan Miguel Fernández-Balboa Committee member
  4. Carles Ventura Vall-Llovera Committee member
  5. Julia Blández Ángel Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 296516 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The consumer society in which we live, together with certain merchandising campaigns, has resulted in the fact that people tend to associate more and more the idea of a “perfect body” with personal and social success. Needless to say, people are more and more concerned about their physical appearance during adolescence. All this has inspired a thorough study on this topic from the perspective of the physical education and by means of an “Action-Research” process. The aim of this research was that some students in the fourth year of ESO (the last compulsory school year in the Spanish educational system) should acquire a critical attitude towards the body-building and body-care obsession. This study has been carried out by designing and using an Educational Multimedia Resource. This educational research is to be justified in the curricular foundations of the Spanish educational system and it aims to define clearly the core of this study: the development of a critical attitude. Several teaching strategies are designed, described and assessed, so that students can develop this critical thinking. All in all, the final goal is that students are able to develop a critical attitude while working from their own experiences.