The mathematics teacher’s specialised knowledge (MTSK) model*

  1. Carrillo-Yañez, J.
  2. Climent, N.
  3. Montes, M.
  4. Contreras, L.C.
  5. Flores-Medrano, E.
  6. Escudero-Ávila, D.
  7. Vasco, D.
  8. Rojas, N.
  9. Flores, P.
  10. Aguilar-González, Á.
  11. Ribeiro, M.
  12. Muñoz-Catalán, M.C.
Research in Mathematics Education

ISSN: 1754-0178 1479-4802

Year of publication: 2018

Volume: 20

Issue: 3

Pages: 236-253

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1080/14794802.2018.1479981 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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