Análisis de los efectos de la nocturnidad laboral permanente y de la rotación de turnos en el bienestar, la satisfacción familiar y el rendimiento perceptivo-visual de los trabajadores
- Sánchez González, Juan Manuel
- Francisco Javier Pérez Pareja Directeur/trice
Université de défendre: Universitat de les Illes Balears
Fecha de defensa: 04 février 2005
- Juan José Miguel Tobal President
- Alfonso Luis Palmer Pol Secrétaire
- José Manuel Hernández López Rapporteur
- Jesús García-Martínez Rapporteur
- Esther García Buades Rapporteur
Type: Thèses
The effects of fixed night and rotating shifts in human well-being, family satisfaction and perceptive performance are analyzed. The relation between the labour and family domains are analyzed, and also the influence of medical problems, wage, intake of medicines, health care behaviour, circadian typology, working time, sport activities, sleep, children, time management, intake of addictive substances and homework. A sample of 197 voluntary workers (policemen, private watchmen, nurses, personnel of social services and teachers) from day, night and rotating shifts were involved in this study. The Scale of Psychological Well-being (Sanchez-Cánovas, 1998), the Scale of Family Satisfaction by Adjectives (Barraca & Lopez-Yarto, 1997), the Composite Scale of circadian typology (Smith, 1989), the Test of Identical Forms (Thurstone, 1986), and a questionnaire of sociodemography variables were used. The main results indicate the negative effects of fixed night and rotating shifts in well-being and family satisfaction measures.