Formación profesional, orientación e inserción laboral del alumnado de los ciclos formativos de Grado Medio

  1. Gil Rodríguez, Germán
Supervised by:
  1. Fernando Marhuenda Fluixà Director

Defence university: Universitat de València

Fecha de defensa: 22 November 2006

  1. José Gimeno Sacristán Chair
  2. Fernando Jesús Roda Salinas Secretary
  3. Manuel Martin Serrano Committee member
  4. Olivia Velarde Hermida Committee member
  5. Jesús Hernández Aristu Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 126536 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


This dissertation is a reflection on the macrofactors which take part in the process of labour insertion (labour, training, labour guidance and youths), in addition to some empirical work: the laboral monitoring of the youths of two schools with different characteristics, a publicly subsidised but private urban school and a public rural one. The social function of work and the changes which have taken place since the 1973 economical crisis have been examined from a historical perspective. The scarce employment and the Spanish labour market have been analyzed within the frame of a globalized economy, but with their own distinguishing marks: flexibility, temporary contracts, precariousness and a high accident rate. Vocational training in Spain is analyzed from the perspective of the process of Spain's integration into the European institutions, while its implementation in the autonomous region of Valencia is looked at departing from the contradictions between the theoretical model and its model of implementation. The dissertation also analyzes the youths, their characteristics and the difficulties which they face in order to build their own autonomous future, as well as the educational and vocational guidance which they get at the schools, the structures supporting this guidance and the public guidance services. The individualized monitoring of the students took place between the 1998/1999 and 2000/2001 academic years and covered their stay at school and their fist year of labour insertion. The economical, educational and familiar contexts of the youths have been considered in order to better understand their situation and their possibilities of labour insertion. As far as their school stay is concerned, four factors have been taken into account: their degree of acceptance of their training, their expectations, their motivation and their evolution during the period. With regard to labour insertion, three factors have been analyzed: the types of contracts, the characteristics of the companies, and the relationship between jobs found and academic degrees. The characteristics of the process of insertion have made it possible to devise specific typologies which include security, temporary contracts and labour exclusion of the youths.