Metodología Singapur e innovación en centros educativos chilenos. Estudio de dos casos

Supervised by:
  1. Laura Rayón Rumayor Director

Defence university: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 19 April 2017

  1. Juan Carlos Torrego Seijo Chair
  2. Ana María de las Heras Cuenca Secretary
  3. Javier Rodríguez Torres Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 534473 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


Although Chilean education is currently under the frame of a new reform promulgated in 2015 to recover quality education that was lost after a long process of municipalization, initiated in the dictatorship in the 80s, which gives way to a proletarianization of educational work (Lawn and Ozga, 1998), and that 30 years after the return to democracy accounts for a public education destroyed with high segregation, determined by the socio-cultural and economic origin of families, even inserted in a neoliberal system . This is reflected in the obtained results, in the case of mathematics, in standardized measures such as the National Exam of the Measurement System of Quality in Education (SIMCE) and in international assessments, such as the International Program for the Evaluation/Report of Students (PISA) and the study, Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). In this regard, it is necessary to clarify that, with the country's entry into the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 2009, the commitment to equity and quality is reiterated, in light of reports that make clear that Chile must improve its educational system, considered to be one of the most disparate, only comparable to African countries. In this setting, the State intends to improve the quality of teaching and learning, giving way to an effort to move in this direction assuming the necessity to change. Therefore, this study addresses the Theory of Educational Change, contextualized in the processes that the Chilean education has faced during the last three decades, focused on the teaching and learning of mathematics and in particular on the implementation of a pilot program in Singaporean mathematics, which results in being an opportunity to address how innovation has been implemented in Chile through two case studies, applied between 2011 and 2013 in 300 cost-sharing municipal establishments (classification corresponding to Chilean educational centers) . However, given the process underlying the implementation of this methodology and the criteria with which the decision is to be made, it is possible to initiate this research and the study that supports it, based on the presumption that this implementation was carried out from a linear view of change that the theoretical development indicates that it is not possible to achieve (Fullan, 2003). On the other hand, it appears as an interesting fact to base this study on the analysis and conclusions of the evaluation carried out by the Center for Studies of the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC, 2014), which opens up the door by raising questions and inviting the scientific community to continue investigation, especially when there are previous perceptions of the participating professors that turn out to be more positive than negative. Thus, the main purpose of this research is to gather what has remained in the teachers of the Singapore Methodology through the investigation and understanding of the processes of appropriation, that the faculty performs, identifying through the scientific rigor, which implies a qualitative study such as this, the type of innovation that is carried out, which the dimensions of change are compromised - technical, cultural and political (House, 1981); Postmodernity (Hargreaves et al., 2001). The theoretical discussing is being approached from the perspective of an education reflection upon the possibility that development in innovation may or may not occur due to the changes during the process. Previosly the focus of the discussion was on a before, during and after action, grounded by the persepective and debates of such authers as Dewey (1889), Schön (1992), Van Manen (1998) Focusing the analysis on a posture against the Educational Change as a valid theory for the improvement and implementation of innovation in terms of guidelines and principles of general action in the framework of implementation of any process of reform in education.