Consumer's Behavior under Different Economic ScenariosWillingness to Bargain, Willingness to Pay and Willingness to Buy

  1. Parasyri, Despoina
Supervised by:
  1. Nikolaos Georgantzis Director
  2. Konstantinos Tsagarakis Co-director

Defence university: Universitat Jaume I

Fecha de defensa: 17 March 2017

  1. Aurora García Gallego Chair
  2. Giuseppe Attanasi Secretary
  3. Tarek Taher Jaber López Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 463893 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The object of study and the nexus of union between the different works that are presented in the following chapters, is perfectly reflected in the title of the thesis "Behavior of consumers in different economic scenarios: The willingness to negotiate, the willingness to pay and the Willingness to buy ". It is well known and studied that consumer behavior is affected for several reasons. In this thesis I try to investigate some factors that can affect this behavior when consumers have to make an economic decision.