La planificación docente en el aula de educación secundariaGuinea Ecuatorial

Supervised by:
  1. Mario Martín Bris Director

Defence university: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 25 February 2016

  1. Antonio Bautista García-Vera Chair
  2. Laura Rayón Rumayor Secretary
  3. Susana Barrera Andaur Committee member
  4. María Asunción Manzanares Moya Committee member
  5. Juan José Díaz Matarranz Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 527413 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


In the first part of work, focus is stressed in the description of the topic in question and the analysis of the historic context in which it happened to clarify its significance. In the second part, after a close observation of the conceptual framework defined by various authors that make the definition of planning more understanding, factors surrounding it, its subjective aspec (educator, learner, family or community), the side awarded today to technologies of information (Tics) in the education sector, and the classroom as the place that accommodates the process of teaching-learning, this means that the technical framework about: the subjective aspec of the investigation, the practice of planning in the classroom and the globalizing approach (associate with the New Curricular Reform of Education. In the third part, the empirical aspect of the study starts by analyzing the conventional actions favorable to the areas of the methodological desig, the selection of the population and sample design data colletion instrument. And the analysis of the obtained results, the forth part has the derived results from the subjective side of the investigation, the practices of planning in the classroom, the globalizing approach promoted by the New Reform, commitment the managerial board added to the implementation of the New Curricular Reform of Education. The fifth part, we present conclusions of which we collet the most significant contributions that resulted from drafting the design and exploratory research that was conducted, linking to the sixth part of this work that focuses on the suggestions: education personnel in the classroom adapted to the guidelines of the New Curricular Reform of Secondary Education in the Country, loaded with a suitable teaching practice to generate significant learning in the learners