Anarquismo en Asturias1890-1936

  1. Barrio Alonso, Ángeles
Supervised by:
  1. Juan Pablo Fusi Aizpurua Director

Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 24 June 1986

Type: Thesis


The history of Spanish anarchism rest on a pluralist and heterogeneous movement beyond their ideas or political praxis. In Asturias, the anarchism and the anarchist militants and leaders, were in constant rivalry with republicanism, socialism and communism, from the origins to the Civil War. But, in fact, the asturian anarcosindicalismo, as tradeunion movement, and the asturian anarcosindicalistas were involved on mass mobilization, also than in cultural and political aims. Their specific idea � [+]about the role of the anarchism, in general, and the CNT, in particular, on Spanish politics, not always achieved the majority support in the CNT and was the making of a deep crisis in different times. Notwithstanding that, the Federacion Regional de Asturias, León y Palencia didn´t want to think to leave the organization off, because CNT were a pluralist and �libertarian� organization.