Desarrollo de una metodología para la caracterización, evaluación y gestión de los recursos de la geodiversidad

  1. Bruschi, Viola María
Supervised by:
  1. Antonio Cendrero Uceda Director
  2. Alberto González Díez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 28 September 2007

  1. Eduardo F.j. De Mulder Chair
  2. Juan Remondo Tejerina Secretary
  3. José Pedro Calvo Sorando Committee member
  4. Mauro Soldati Committee member
  5. Jerónimo López Martínez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 140335 DIALNET lock_openUCrea editor


The present work addresses issues related to the identification, cataloguing evaluation, protection and utilisation of geodiversity¿s resources. One of the main difficulties to carry out such tasks lies in the subjectivity. The work presented here includes an initial inventory of sites of geological interest in the region of Cantabria. Then, a group of sites of geomorphologic interest has been selected to make comparisons between different evaluation methods, determine the degree of coincidence between the ranks of classifications obtained and make recommendations on the most advisable procedures. These methods make it possible to apply transparent, clearly defined criteria which can provide replicable results if applied by different operators and can therefore be subject to external test and scrutiny. The above methods can provide good results using only six parameters that express three significant qualities of sites: scientific interest or intrinsic quality; potential for use; threats for conservation. The type of evaluation methods described has been applied to design a method for the incorporation of geosites into the EIA process. In order to contribute to the valorisation of geodiversity¿s values, a series of specific proposals are presented for the protection and use of sites of geologic interest in Cantabria.